Tags, Tapes, etc.

  • Bei den Versandkosten solle man doch glatt eine Sammelbestellung anstreben:

    Overseas orders usually fall into the FPO and APO addresses which can be shipped via 1st Class Mail. If you select 2nd Day Air, we can ship them via Priority Mail. Overseas addresses other than FPO and APO addresses may vary on the cost of shipping and require an additional shipping charge. We reserve the right to charge additional shipping to cover the extra cost. We ship through the US Postal Service and we select the best, cheapest shipping method. This is almost always the U.S. Postal Service Air Mail. If you have any questions, please e-mail us for more information.

    International rates start at $6.00 shipping for U.S. Mail. Most countries apply, other's may have an additional charge depending on location. Shipping times may vary depending on country. Global Priority Mail starts at $15.00 and most countries apply, excluding Italy.

    hat den schon jemand mal die Qualität in Augenschein nehmen können?
    Also ich hab Originale und die unterscheiden sich doch schon ganz schön von den Prägungen die die Jungs in den Shops pressen.


    ...bei jedem Wetter, in jedem Gelände
    ausser wenn`s regnet, schneit, dunkel ist, kalt, windig...

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