Neue Busse...

  • Busse aus INFI und Griffschalen habe ich noch nie für 127 Dollar gesehen...

    . . Yes, it's the return of the Busse apprentice series. . . . There should be quite a few different "One-Time-Only" models offered and not all of them will be made of INFI. . . This particular model is INFI however. I designed this knife for my daughter Katie . . . Once I finished it, everyone in the shop wanted one, So, here it is for everyone to have a shot at. We call it the Bear Cub. . . The HACK series of knives has been designed for training our apprentice custom knife grinding team. The prices of these will not reflect their true custom nature."

    Die Busse Jungs haben wohl Revierlers Thread gelesen :lmfao:


  • Die Hacks sind aber auch sehr klein.

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