A Tale of 2 Brothers ***Long, Boring Post !***

  • I've got two sons, Noa (21/10/2002) and Beau (25/05/2008 ). Both are great kids and I wanted to commemorate their birth in my knife collection. So, I got this idea into my head to buy them some similar, qualitatively good knives made in their year of birth.

    Of course, I immediately thought of the standard in folding knives, the Chris Reeve Sebenza.

    I was fortunate enough to find an Annual Limited Edition Large Sebenza from 2002 in Germany and acquired this with little effort, aside from the exchange of another CR Sebenza and some money (Danke, kamilpio ;) )

    Excellent, I thought,,, this went easy,,, finding one from 2008, a much more recent year, would probably pose not much of a challenge,,, right ?

    Wrong ! 8|

    Took me quite some time to eventually locate one for sale in the USA,,, but the seller wouldn't ship abroad, so I called upon the aid of my fellow bladeforum members and Guyon (Jason) stepped upto the plate :thumbup:

    He was willing to accept the Sebenza and forward it to me in Belgium,,, (thanks again, Jason ! you the man !)

    Then I had trouble paying for the Sebenza with my belgian Visa CC,,, something with the number of digits for my postal code the seller couldn't enter into his machine,,,

    Then finding the best way to pass the parcel quickly passed belgian Customs without having to pay too much extra Duty Tax,,, etc etc

    But in the end everything worked out and was well worth the hassle :)

    In good company,,,

    My two boys with their gramps, my father, on his 75th birthday last Wednesday,,,

    Now I have something to remember their birth and they have something to remember me in times to come,,,

    Sorry for the long post, but I had to share,,,


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Chibbi ()

  • THIS is really really awesome!
    gives me more ideas of what to do for my children one day;)

  • Chibbi,
    thanks for sharing this story.

    That`s a really good symbol and reminder!! :D :thumbup:

    The hazzle was well worth... :hatsoff:

  • Thanks for sharing!

    Wer seine Waffen zu Pflugscharen schmiedet, der wird für jene pflügen, die dies nicht getan haben.

    “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” -- Ronald Reagan

  • great!
    its alwas fun to be able to help!

    good luck father and sons!!!! THINK TWICE_-- CUT ONCE !

    kamil. :thumbup:

    "Es gibt keinen Weg zum Glück - glücklichsein ist der Weg" - Buddha

  • Thanks for sharing this lovely story! :thumbup:

    It´s a great idea and now I have to think about, how I could do something like this for my kids?! :hmmm:

  • @ Hendrik

    Ich denke aber leider nicht, das ich Jordans von 86, 89 & 92 bekommen kann! ;)

  • Great story - and great idea!

    I really enjoyed to read it - but what I did NOT like was this part "avoid to pay too much taxes".
    You've to pay a fixed percentage of the amount of money You spent for the knife, plus shipping.
    Nothing more to say here.

  • It wasn't long, it wasn't boring - it's a very nice story about a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:

    In Combat, you do not rise to the occasion. You sink to the level of your training!

    Franconian Resistance #6 - Kopportunist #0002 - T.I.T.A.N. #0012

  • Ich schließ mich hier einfach mal an!
    Mein Sohn Paul ist am 17.Februar 2008 geboren. Da lag es sehr nahe, einen Jahresfolder 2008 von Uli Hennicke zu ordern. Es hat die Nummer 2 (Februar) welche mit der Jahreszahl, innen in den Folder graviert wurde.
    Das Messer bekommt er dann, wenn ich meine, das er bereit dafür ist. Eigentlich hatte ich vor, Ihm es zu seiner Konfirmation zu schenken.

    Beste Grüße

    Beste Grüße

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