Als ich heute früh anfing zu packen mußte ich erstmal erstaunt feststellen das ich ein blinden Passagier habe
War gar nicht so leicht ihn davon zu überzeugen das er nicht mit darf, wie eine Klette :wacko:
Doch dann ging es los...entlang der Schwentine, einer der längsten Flüsse Schleswig-Holsteins mit seinen rund 62km
Ich liebe den Herbst
Ein Zufallsfund abseits aller Wege
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, Meister Reineke
und mein Ausblick beim Mittag
Nun zu meinem Geburtstagsgeschenk dem Randall Denmark Special
Zur entstehung dieses Randall Made Non Catalog Knives
Many central Floridians and all of the Orlando area sporting community is familiar with Denmark’s Sporting Goods. Located for many years in downtown Orlando, Denmark’s was the hub of activity for local sportsmen of all persuasions. It was not unusual to find three generations shopping together for their hunting and fishing supplies. Indeed two generations of management could be found tending the store on most days. The familiar landmark founded decades ago by Pete Denmark and Walter Hudson is history now. The old wooden floors and racks of lures and walls covered with trophies have been replaced by jogging shorts and tennis rackets. But, beside the memories, a few tangible reminders are still around.
One piece of memorabilia that will remain for a long time is the Randall made “DENMARK SPECIAL”. The Denmark Special was commissioned by Pate Denmark at the urging of “Little Walter” Hudson. “Little Walter” is the son of the co-founder. Little Walter goes about 250 and could bench press a Ford Bronco if he put his mind to it! Pete and Walter thought their customers deserved a Randall specifically designed for Florida use. Their theory was that the ideal Florida hunting knife would be small, rugged and simple. A drop point skinner with solid metal all the way to the tip was their choice. The taper grind on the top of most Randalls is all right for thrusting but could weaken the very area that had to take the force of splitting the backbone of a fresh kill.
After a few hours going over their requirements with Bo Randall, the Denmark Special was born. The Denmark Special has never been cataloged and is actually considered by the Randall Shop to be a special grind rather than a custom design. The basic style is that of the Model 7 without the top bevel. The result is a strengthened blade that retains the flowing grace of the original. The handles were available in both stag and micarta. The spacers were alternating red and white. A typical specimen is shown in the photo above.
According to Walter, the Denmark Special was first offered in 1975. It was kept more or less in stock exclusively in the Orlando store until the business was sold in 1988. No records are available but Walter estimates approximately 195 were sold in the last 15 years. The majority probably still reside in local closets and gun cabinets.
An interesting optional feature on the Denmark Special was a custom designed horizontal sheath. Little Walter felt this sheath, which laid along the belt line provided added protection in case the wearer fell from a tree stand — an all too common occurrence
4 ½ blade of 3/16 stock. Raised point design in 01 carbon tool steel. Beworben durch Radall Made Knives als kleines Jagd und Angelmesser.
Die Handlage ist ein Traum
und der Anschliff erst
Dazu die saubere Randall Scheide
Ich bin restlos begeistert
und das beste ist ich habe morgen auch noch frei und packe gleich schon mal mein Bogensachen zusammen und höre dabei High, Wild, And Free
"Sitting outside my tent
Listen to Timber Wolves howl
By the warmth of the campfire light
I pull some jerky from my rucksack
And put a final edge on that
Old Randall knife