• Hi all,

    This is something different from me.

    Blade guard and pommel made of O1.
    Guard and pommel also hardened.
    Black Gunkote coating ( thanks Toni!).
    OD green Micarta handle.

    Bladelength 15 cm.
    Overall length 27,8 cm.
    This knife will get a sheath made by Martin Swinkels.

    There will be 12 cm, 10 cm and damascus versions of this knife in the near future.

    Thanks for looking!

    Merry Xmas!

  • A very interesting knife, compliments!

    For a shorter version, it could be useful to shorten the upper guard a little bit to support the possibility to straighten the thumb over the guard and press it on the back of the knife. A serration on this part of the back could also look great....

    Would it be possible to gun-blue also the end of the tang?

    Could You add some data about blade thickness and weight of the knife, please?

    Looks really useful, i like this knife!

  • Thanks Micha,

    I planned to blue it but I loaned my Gun-Blue to a friend, I'll get it back Sundayevening.

    The weight is about 355 gram on my old kitchenscale.

    Thickness is 6,4 at the beginning of the bladen tapering to 1,5 just behind the tip.

    Thanks for your compliments!


  • erik,
    nice knife you made there. i like it. did you learn from andrew jordan? it is very near to jordans fighting knife series.


    Tacticalforum Verhaltenskodex

    Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, He's up!" Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it.

  • erik,
    nice knife you made there. i like it. did you learn from andrew jordan? it is very near to jordans fighting knife series.


    hello Arne,

    for sure its a nice knife,but i know for sure its very different from the knives mr Jordan make,this knife is a tactical halfintegral,therefore the construction alone stands by itself.

    not only that but its different steel,also the hardening and tempering is different,and for me,the looks are different.

    Erik has build hunting knives with the same construction,and this knife is a development from this kind of knives.

    yes,it is a tactical knife,and yes,it is black and has green micarta on it,but everything is different from that on !!!!!

    it stands that every knifemaker/bladesmith has the freedom to make what he wants from his own development.


  • erik,
    nice knife you made there. i like it. did you learn from andrew jordan? it is very near to jordans fighting knife series.



    I have made a knife with Andrew 3 or 4 years ago. I am not familiar with his fighting knife series, I have only seen his Military series.

    Andrew actually gave me the green micarta you see on this knife but I can assure you that's the only thing ( and the peening of the tang ) that is the same.

    I'm glad you like it.

    Thanks for the compliments!


  • Interesting enough, nobody had the impression that You may have been inspired by the Kizlyar Orlan, nevertheless the blade shape reminds to this knife as much as the handle can remind to a Jordan :)

    I think, You'll always find comparisons to other well-known knifes or illustrious knife designing styles, because the width of reasonable construction details is limited......

    In addition, neither the use of Gun-Kote nor a contoured handle, made of Micarta, between a butt and a guard, are the invention or the monopoly of a single knifemaker....

  • Eric,
    sorry, you are right, i was talking about the jordan military series. you are very near to it. i think mr. jordan can be proud that you´re making knives like he does. it shows that his way must be right.

    again, good stuff!


    Tacticalforum Verhaltenskodex

    Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, He's up!" Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it.

  • Oder auch nicht, die Mama all dieser designs ist das Scageldesign, welches dann als Randall seine Weiterentwicklung fand und was dann als Design auch von Andrew übernommen wurde. Andrew hat sich stark an am Randall orientiert. Wenn Eric nun es geschafft hat, eine weitere Entwicklungsstufe zu entwickeln, nämlich die ganzen Verbindungen zu umgehen mittels Integralbauweise, dann befindet er sich sehr nahe auf dem Weg zum heiligen Gral !
    Die nicht vorandenen Sollbruchstellen und Nähte ergeben eine wesentlich höhere Stabilität, und stehen technisch weit vor den Anderen, Hut ab !

  • Thank you all for your nice comments!

    The Taurus is not a full integral, I usually make them like this:

    The Taurus has the about the same bolster as the knife above but with a separate guard added behind that. Wich leaves much more room for a tang that is much stronger than possible on a conventional knife.

    This is the tang before tapering the tang, the size of the tang is 12 mm thick by 18,5 mm high. ( see below )

    This is a topvieuw of the tang before tapering. ( see below )

    This is the tang after tapering the tang and flattening the back side of the bolster, the size of the tang is still 12 mm x 18,5 mm measured against the bolster. ( see below )

    Guard, handle and pommel fitted. ( see below )

    Hardened and partially finished all steel parts. The blade is differentially hardened. ( see below )

    Testfitted before final finishing, etching my logo, beadblasting and coating. The end of the tang is still 7,5 mm x 9,5 mm where it goes through the pommel. ( see below )

    Knife finished and assembled, tang peened. The peening is the strongest way of fixing a handle, it has been done for over a thousand years so it must be good.

    Knife finished. 8)

    I hope this gives you more insight on the construction of this knife. It is not the easy way but it leaves much more room to make the strongest construction possible.

    Thanks for looking!


  • Weg zum heiligen Gral weil es keine Sollbruchstellen hat ?(

    Ehrlich gesagt wann bricht ein Randall und wann ein AJ :wacko:
    Wenn Randall anfangen sollte solche Messer zu bauen :motz:

    Als erstes würde ich mir ja eh eine stärkere Klinge wünschen wenn es um bulletproof geht. Zudem denke ich das die Spitze eine Katastrope ist beim Hebeln, das sollte dann doch eher in richtung American Tanto gehen mit 45* Schneide um Ausbrüche zu verhindern. Zudem der Griff, wenn da ein Panzer drüber fährt...da ist eine Wicklung aus Paracord stabiler und selbst wenn die weg ist habe ich am Strider noch genug Griff um das Messer weiter zu benutzen :D

  • Altough we think that your knives are a wonderful contribution to this forum, we also consider it disrespectful of you, to start using this forum as an advertisment place even though you are not a "Forenpartner". The fact that this is a "copy and paste" procedure which can be found on the USN as well, makes it even more tasteless...

    You might wanna think about this approach and how this is affecting your reputation as knifemaker.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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