Blade Rigger Custom (James Piorek)

  • Hi,

    kennt jemand von euch James Piorek bzw. Blade Rigger Custom? Hab von dem Typ ein Messer angeboten bekommen.

    Beim googeln hab ich das hier gefunden und mich fast auf den A.... gesetzt.

    Hab noch nie von dem Kerl gehört ?(

    Wer kann was erzählen :pray:

    Schicksers Messerscheune
    Inh. Markus Bremond
    Denkmalstraße 23
    35644 Hohenahr
    Ust-IdNr: DE 81 36 18 199

  • James Piorek ist vermutlich einer der unbekannten Namen Gottes, keines Menschen Eisenschiene ist das wert.

    Viele Grüße


    PS: Wenn man es nicht religiös sieht, sondern mit den Augen von Herrn Seymour, er nimmt was der Markt anscheinend bereit ist zu zahlen, vielleicht sind sie noch viel zu günstig, wieso eigentlich nicht fünfstellig.

    Nachtrag: Ich habe das mit dem Sterlingsilber überlesen, vielleicht ist da ja der Hund begraben, an den beiden Klingen kann es auf keinen Fall liegen.

    panta rhei

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von juchten ()

  • Naja wenn der neu ist.... auf diese Art und Weise macht man sich auch schnell einen Namen :D

    "Konstrukteur von titanenhaften Endzeitwaffen" + "mit empfindlichem Magen"
    Juchten, 2011 + Der Uffpasser, 2012 ;)

  • Hab schon die ersten Mails :thumbup:

    James ist nicht neu, eher alt. Er macht scheinbar nichts mehr. "Neue" Riggers liegen bei $400-500, alte von Piorek leicht mal das 3 oder 4-fache. Man lernt nie aus.

    Von der Homepage:

    Innovative History
    New Owner! Blade Rigger has been purchased in its entirety by Steve L. Curtiss. I have been personally trained by James, including all proprietary techniques and the unique and exclusive materials. It is my goal to continue the operations and quality of Blade Rigger in the same spirit that James has since its inception.

    A message from James to all clients and friends:
    From the beginnings of Blade Rigger to present day has brought many blessings with little hardships for which I am thankful. I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting, designing and creating the customized systems specifically tailored for each of you over the years. With the deepest sincerity, I wish to thank you all and wish you well in your personal treks.

    All the best, James

    P.S.: I encourage you to call Steve to personally speak with him regarding your custom, semi-custom, or specialty tool needs. Steve has excellent capabilities to meet your needs and fulfill them to your satisfaction. I am pleased to personally recommend him to you. James

    True innovations are original designs and concepts, something Blade Rigger has been producing and redefining since 1986. By following and focusing on my own trek, with diverse background and experiences I have stepped out of the box that many are yet limited within and brought new dimensions to the custom knife industry. The following are only a small representation of innovations that include simplicity, comfort, functionality, style, convenience and a reduced weight factor into each design. Blade Rigger systems are created with fine detail for a complete packaged system which includes a blade specifially designed around the physical attributes and skill of the user that comes alive in the hand. A sheath that is sized minimally to safely carry its blade, with proprietary construction processes that produces a sheath with contoured edges very close to the size of the blade for greatest possible carrying comfort.

    Execulite™ Shoulder Harness System features single or dual blade carry, dual shoulder quick release allowing user to completely remove harness without the removal of clothing.
    Associate™ Shoulder Harness System has reduced options for a cost effective version of the Execulite™.
    Spinal Backup 3™ Shoulder Harness System effectively utilizing Velcro™ for any downward angle blade registration for deployment and multiple tool carry.
    SLC Static Cord™ / SLC Adjustable Static Cord™ sheath release system provides safe deployment as the blade stays with the sheath until full extension of the static cord, which then safely deploys the blade away from body and loose clothing. Conversely resheathing is also safe as it is accomplished away from the body held in hand in front of you and with the sheath's rounded corners gives ease of reinsertion back into any location around the wasteline, also making carry location readjustment quick.
    Rigger Coat™, from the original creator, a proprietary coating, very tough with a high abrasion resistance is a unique exclusive material. It is all artistically hand applied and has brought a whole new dimension to the custom knife industry. It brought an artistic touch to the concealment needs in the original designs and non-traditional knife colors and material. These colors combined with the bubble abstract, a secondary color applied to the surface of the existing color, adds further dimension. A matching Rigger Coat™ handle and sheath makes them look like one piece. Cheap industry copies have been attempted but if it is not from Blade Rigger, it is NOT Rigger Coat™.
    The Finger Pinch Cord™ is a handle extension which allows you to deploy the blade and at full extension ready for immediate use. It provides the ability to conceal the entire blade and handle below the pantline with only the finger pinch cord itself being exposed (resembling a keychain fob). This was originally designed as a faster deployment concept in conjunction with the SLC Static Cord System and now used with other tools.
    Blade Rigger is an originating leader in leather laminated kydex with minimalistic sheath size, near invisible seams with completely contoured edges and corners. The sheath is securely camlocked to the handle yet providing for a maximized first grip. .
    The following is an additional list of uniquely created tools and equipment:

    V-Gar™ System / V-Gar II and III belt
    Ti Chop Chucks™
    Ban Bog / Wan Bog Sticks with the IWB Stick Courier™
    CKB-Alpha™ Blade
    Cloak System, a total non-metallic sheath and harness system.
    Ti Straw

    Schicksers Messerscheune
    Inh. Markus Bremond
    Denkmalstraße 23
    35644 Hohenahr
    Ust-IdNr: DE 81 36 18 199

  • Die beiden Messer gefallen mir sowieso nicht und dann noch so ein Preis !!
    So ein Preis kann unter ganz bestimmten Umständen schon mal zusammenkommen , aber hier ist nichts besonderes verbaut.
    Nein Danke :russroul:

  • Was ich da habe ist ähnlich wie die beiden. Wenn mir jemand das Teil so zeigen würde, würde ich sagen, naja, ist angemacht, Scheide ganz nett, 200-300€, aber nicht noch ne 1 davor!!!.

    Schicksers Messerscheune
    Inh. Markus Bremond
    Denkmalstraße 23
    35644 Hohenahr
    Ust-IdNr: DE 81 36 18 199

  • Ihr vergesst ganz einfach den kulturhistorischen Wert dieser Messer, sie sind schließlich 25 Jahre alt, und in einem Land, in dem man eine Frittenbude nach zehn Jahren unter Denkmalschutz stellt sieht das dann alles wieder ganz anders aus.

    Viele Grüße


    panta rhei

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