Was habt Ihr als (E)DC?

  • Wenn Du hier irgendwann auch noch mal beiläufig ein Rhino auf den Tisch legst, wäre ich sehr begeistert, aber nur mäßig erstaunt... :D :thumbup:

    Grad mal das Rhino gegoogelt...Geiles Teil... :love: Ich glaube ich muss doch mal ein Emerson bei mir einziehen lassen.. :/

  • Zur Geschichte vom Emerson Rhino findet man auch was auf Wikipedia.

    Die Basis des Designs war das Commander.

    Edit: der Link funktioniert nicht, ich kopiere es direkt rein. Quelle: Wikipedia.

    The Commander has its origins with Emerson's CQC-8 or "Banana" folding fighting knife based on the Bob Taylor Warrior Knife and the Bill Moran ST-23: a knife designed with the blade in line for reverse grip or sabre grip fighting.[3] This knife became popular among the British SAS and the US Navy SEALs,[4][5] however the SEALs wanted something more aggressive so Emerson developed the SSRT(Silent Sentry Removal tool) model: a larger, hooked blade with a serrated, doubled-edged spine.[3] This blade's profile resembled the horn of a Rhinoceros and its more popular name is the Rhino.[6] The blade folded below the level of the handle scales so the user could not be cut by this extra edge, a small hole drilled through both handle scales and liners allowed the blade to be held in place so it would not open on a parachute jump and cause harm to the operator.[3] Although the knife functioned perfectly in the field, its final design was too specific for the Navy.[3][6]

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Ramelius ()

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