Hinderer XM-18 on the Wicked Edge

  • This is the Hinderer XM-18 from a fellow forum member.
    The request was to find a good balance between usefulness & esthetics; if possible to create a new edge that would cut well (with an edge angle fitting a strong tactical folder like the XM) while at the same time keeping the bevel width within limits.

    The edge was first reprofiled to an even 35 degrees inclusive with diamond stones 200, 400 & 600, and then refined with SiC wet & dry paper 800, 1000, 1500 and 2000 taped to the diamond stones.
    The resulting edge was then somewhat polished with 6 micron diamond paste (a tiny dab of paste on the back of wet & dry paper which was then taped to the 600 grit stones)

  • Here is someone who had his Sebenza sharpened by a (former) friend who had no experience on the Edge Pro !! :cursing:

    So before you all start sharpening on the Edge Pro and expect results like on the XM-18, practice on some old kitchen knives...and most of all don't have someone else sharpen it, who just received it.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von emel ()

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