custom Fallkniven, WM1.

  • Zeer moi gedaan - een lekker mes!
    Veel groeten uit Berlijn

    Messer sind gefährlich. Aber in den richtigen Händen sind sie ein ständiger Quell der Freude und Erbauung.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Manix ()

  • Wunderschön!

    I thing I give up my desire for the F1 Ivory Micarta, and ask you for a more gorgeous F1 design.... :thumbup:

    Best regards!


    Es ist Gearaffe, nicht Gear-Affe! Langer Hals und so... :)

  • Impressing work! Although I liked the WM1 just the way it is ... now that's past, because your scales make it a real eyecatcher!

  • I LOVE the Wm1 (second place...first is CR Inyoni ;) )...

    I think, we talk about really two Knives...the serial version of Fällkniven WM1 (Thermorun, good as EDC) and your Semi custom version ;)

    I like Thermorun for working in Winter and rain, snow, ice...but your version is really an eye catcher, and very lovely...I like it really :)

    Greets, S.

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