Looking for someone to sharpen a convex edge, so sharp I can cut with no presure.

  • Hello Tactical friends.

    I'm looking for someone that can sharpen two of my knives, with a convex edge, in a way that I can cut with almost no pressure.

    Maybe a knife maker with good experience and power tools.

    I can do it my self but it just take too long.

    I'm talking about an edge like the stuff from Jeremy Horton or Ban Tang. Both sharpen their knives for surgery.

    Please, feel free to write in German.

    Thanks. :thumbup:

  • At this point I can also highly recommend Markus and his sharpening skills.
    I own a few knives he has made and have visited him several times in the past, always leaving with fresh sharpened blades with no compromise.

    In Langgöns he returned a Eickhorn GEK 2000 to me that was abused to the core with a broken tip and slight dots of rust, the knife looks like out of the box today, great work.



  • Warum konvex? Eine konvexe Schneidfase dient eher der Stabilität als der absoluten Schärfe. Wenn Du ohne Druck schneiden möchtest, wäre ein sehr fein ausgeschliffener Flachschliff die bessere Wahl.


  • Thank you all for the good info!!

    The reason for the convex edge: the knives came original with a convex edge and I want to keep them that way.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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