A new edge for a Strider SMF with S110V blade

  • A Strider SMF with S110V blade from a Dutch forum member.
    According to my Tormek angle gauge the old edge measured +/- 40 degrees inclusive from the heel to half an inch before the tip where it changed into 45 degrees inclusive.
    The owner uses this knife mostly to cut various kinds of green wood & twigs in horticulture, and he had already tried his hand at reprofiling the edge himself with a DMT Diafold.
    Together we came to the conclusion that the edge could do with a full reprofiling, as well as with a finer edge finish to better suit his specific purposes.
    BTW: the owner also contacted Duane Dwyer by mail, among other things to ask him about the hardness of this S110V blade, and according to Duane it measures 61 HRC.

    This was the knife before sharpening:

    After reprofiling & sharpening.
    The new edge angle came out at +/- 32 degrees inclusive along the entire edge, and it can treetop armhair and slice single ply toilet paper.
    Probably due to having the flu at the moment my hands didn't do exactly what i wanted them to do, and as a result i didn't manage to get both bevels completely symmetrical.
    Grit progression: a Paper Wheel with 220 grit SiC for reprofiling, a second Paper Wheel with 15 micron diamond compound for refining, and a third Paper Wheel with 0.25 micron diamond compound for removing the tiny burr.

  • Endlich mal ein Strider, das auch schneiden kann. :cool:

    Finally a Strider, able to cut. :cool:

    "Those who give up liberty, to purchase safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

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