American Knife Company

  • Ein neuer Player , der allerdings ein Kind von Bark River zu sein scheint, da beide in Michigan sitzen und das Geschäftsmodell ähnlich scheint. Das erste Modell, Forest, gefällt mir schon mal sehr gut. Weitere sollen bald folgen.

    Old man yells at cloud.

  • Ich zitiere die Rundmail von DLTrading:

    "The American Knife Company was formed by Jim Nowka with the intent of producing top quality knives and tools built to be used in harsh environs worldwide. Jim knows a thing or two about dealing with adversity and hostile environments. From Jim’s days as a farmer tilling the rocky landscape of Northern Michigan to his days as an operator in the Middle East he knows that tools need to be built to handle tough use and be built to take that use and perform when the need arises.

    This background led Jim to own and operate KnifeForums and later work as a consult to Blade Magazine. Jim’s Rolodex is filled with every name in the knife and cutlery industry. He is as well connected as anybody in the business and he has drawn on these connections to help him design a line of cutlery that will wow you with its appearance and ability.

    Additionally, Jim is a real American patriot. This adoration of the United States dictated that every piece of an American Knife Company knife (including the sheath) be made in the US by hard working Americans. AKC’s tagline is that their knives have to perform…no excuses…no matter what. All knives are covered by an unconditional warranty against defects. "

  • Ich finde ja, jemand der "a thing or two about adversity and dealing with hostile environments" weiß weil er Farmer und "Operator" (was hat er eigentlich operiert) war, hätte dem Messer zumindest einen Minimalschutz gegen ein Abrutschen auf die Klinge mitgeben sollen. Und dass man als Kunde 20$ für ein "Waterproof Sheath Treatment" zahlen soll...

    Just my 2 cents, aber meins ist das nicht.

    #9: Never go anywhere without a knife!

    Ich bin gegen Gewalt aber für Gegengewalt.

  • An und für sich ein gefälliges Design. Ein Parierelement vermisse ich ebenso, wie bagheera und die Scheide gefällt mir leider nicht. Abwarten, was in Zukinft noch kommt.

    MfG, Joachim
    Nachrichten bitte per E-Mail.

  • Ich finde ja, jemand der "a thing or two about adversity and dealing with hostile environments" weiß weil er Farmer und "Operator" (was hat er eigentlich operiert) war, hätte dem Messer zumindest einen Minimalschutz gegen ein Abrutschen auf die Klinge mitgeben sollen. Und dass man als Kunde 20$ für ein "Waterproof Sheath Treatment" zahlen soll...

    Just my 2 cents, aber meins ist das nicht.

    Mal auf die Schnelle:

    Jim Nowka ( has spent most of his life preparing for the unexpected, and his experiences make him well-qualified to educate the rest of us. His diverse list of survival experiences includes salvage diver, firefighter and rescue specialist, underwater investigator and body recovery diver, security advisor, and disaster relief worker.

  • Nordische Messer kennen keinen Fingerschutz :D

    Tacticalforum Verhaltenskodex

    Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, He's up!" Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it.

  • OT gelöscht und damit btt ;)

    Tacticalforum Verhaltenskodex

    Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, He's up!" Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it.

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