Modified Cold Steel Shinobu tanto

  • Modified this vintage Cold Steel Shinobu tanto from the '80's into a much pointier version, with a slightly convex zero secondary edge of +/- 30 degrees inclusive & matching straight edge bevels.
    Not yet finished with polishing the edges (still have 0.25 micron to do), but after 1 micron diamond compound they already whittle one of my chest hairs about 3,0 cm from the point of holding.

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,

  • That looks pretty damn sick actually. I've always been impressed with your work, and this large polished tanto point makes the knife look ten times classier than before.
    You're the real edge doctor 'round here :thumbup:
    Greets, Smokehead 8)

    suck less.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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