Ultratac K18 stainless flashlight

  • A few weeks ago i bought this little Ultratac K18 in stainless steel on E-Bay, and yesterday it arrived neatly packaged in thick bubble wrap.
    It's an AAA flashlight, that is also factory rated for use with 3,7 Volt lithium-ion 10440 batteries.
    I ordered mine complete with a micro-USB charger & one unprotected Trustfire 10440 battery.
    A few protected 10440's are still on their way.



    Besides my old Fenix LD01 (which stopped working after almost 10 years of service):

    Micro-USB charger (only for charging a 10440 battery):


    Tested the light a bit last night, and everything seems to work as it should.
    Only had to put a drop of Nano-Oil on the threads & O-ring as these were bone dry.
    Considering the small size of the light the output on high is almost unbelievable, but it also gets quite hot in a few minutes.
    A few night time beam shots follow later.

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