Some other knife by Strider that you guys should see.…-akak-linerlock-xp-1-1137
Hope you all have a good day.
Some other knife by Strider that you guys should see.…-akak-linerlock-xp-1-1137
Hope you all have a good day.
Hello guys.
In the case you havent seen this:
I think is a cool blade.
Stay warm, it's cold.
Alles anzeigenI think they step away from their core business... making tools
it will be possible to change the bearings but with a lot of effort
prying will be out of the question because these sealed bearing aren't made to take these kind of force from the sides and if you do it anyway you'll get slackness in the bearings,
and there's no way you can adjust these bearing
you can send it in to get it repaired but who knows how long that is going to take
their pivot now is so k.i.s.s. still a double hex pivot would be even better but it's like this with american engineering, there are always some corners to cut
the whole things looks good somehow but it doesn't do nothing to me, besides that all these fancy ass grinds and funny pictures on the blades and now this
well, we'll see where they are headed and one should remember that most Strider fanboys don't buy Strider because the do cut so marvelous... it is rather the aura of something or so I am told
don't get me wrong I owned serveral Strider knives and will buy two this year, still I don't see the sense in sealed bearings on a knife on such a short distance it doesn't make any sense at least from the p.o.v. of mechanical engineering
Real talk!
I dont see it as well. but we'll see. Strider's were made to be hard and though now if they can't keep with that... there's a problem.
May be they want to keep selling the nice looking "collectors" stuff, don't you think? :geld: :geld: (don't get me wrong here, I have some Strider collectors stuff but they are hard stuff )
Hello people.
You guys can apply the same question to Chris Reeve, he had used BG-42 and now S30V. There is this question hanging around in the knife circles. What is better, what is harder, or could be harder with good heat treatment, which holds the edge better and longer, which is more stainless, bottom line "which is better"
I think is a matter of taste and preference. As with lots of things S30V was like the wagon all wanted to get in; Strider, Chris Reeve, Spyderco, Benchmade, Crusader Forge, etc.
This is relative, which is better depends on the heat treatment.
I personally like S30V heat treated by Paul Bos.
But there is no perfect steel, is it? :knueppel:
Hallo Leute.
Du kannst die gleiche Frage an Chris Reeve richten, er verwendete BG-42 und jetzt S30V. Es ist die große Frage in der Messerwelt. Was
ist besser, was ist härter was könnte mit guter Wärme-Behandlung besser sein, was hält besser die Schärfe , was ist rostresistenter - Bottom Line ", was besser ist"
Ich denke, ist eine Frage des Geschmacks und der Präferenzen. Wie
bei vielen Dingen wollten alle auf den S30V- Zug aufspringen, Strider, Chris Reeve, Spyderco, Benchmade, Crusader Forge, etc.
Dies ist alles relativ, was besser ist hängt viel von der Wärmebehandlung ab.
Mir persönlich gefällt S30V heat treated von Paul Bos.
Aber es gibt keine perfekten Stahl, oder?
Ok DANKE, jetz vilight du kann versthen warum ich nicht in Deutsch schribe....jajaja I bet not 10% of that is correct!
Any way, yes that is right about the titanium handle, but if a Strider SMF costs from 350,- to what ever you can imagine, what will a full titanium will cost? this does not mean I will not buy it. I love Strider and have some of their knives but some times it makes me think why are they so expensive.
I don't know what you guys think but I like to be able to disassemble my knives, for Strider I had to buy the "special" tool for the pivot. And now what if the change the knifes, do I have to buy my self special extractors and a special press so I don't leave "marks" all over the knife?
Any way just some ideas, I like the new prototype.
I don't know, I will like to have it in my hands to try it, it will be great to handle that thing.
By the way, what do you guys think about the price? kind of crazy aren't they? :surprise: :knueppel:
Please guys, feel free to write in German! this is your forum not mine
Hello guys.
I don't know if you have seen this new prototype in the case you have not I think its nice to see it:…e-wnew-bearing-pivot-1071
May be in the future Strider will change the pivot, I think it will be hard but like everything, new things have to come out.
My opinion is that they are trying to make it harder for the IKBS bearing system to find its place in the market.
Hope you all have a great day.
I excuse my self for not writing in German, may be in the next future.
Cool, do you know how hard it is HR? If I'm asking to many questions let me know. :laber:
I'm in, they will look great!
Thanks for sharing the pics! I bet it was a nice trip.
Nice collection you guys have there. Those are hard to get.
Much respect!
Nice blade!
Did you heat treat it?
Thanks man I will.
You should trow a Patent on that thing
Holly crap! that's the bigger slingshot I have seen in my life, bigger than the one of my brother, he is going to be jealous! do you mind if send the pictures to my brother?
So, did you make it your self or is someone else idea?
You can put a down Condor with that thing.
Great review even thought it took some time to read cuz my German is bad I liked the way you put things.
Thanks for the review and nice custom you got there.
You did an outstanding job with that blade! congrats!
Cool! Let us see how it ends up with some pictures.