Beiträge von giannilion

    Passaround are always important for us, it lets have the feedback directly from users. Please try it and write all your comments, pictures.....and videos.. :D


    Google traslator.... ;( ;( :

    Passaround sind immer wichtig für uns, es lässt die Rückmeldungen direkt vom Nutzer. Bitte versuchen Sie es und schreiben Sie alle Ihre Kommentare, Fotos und Videos ..... .. ....... :D

    Just to introduce myself. My name is Gianni Pauletta and I am the owner of LionSteel knife company.
    I am sorry that I am writing this presentation in the wrong position and in English.
    I do not speack German so it is not easy for me to be present in this forum in the right way, anyway I will do my best to update all of you abaut LionSteel knives.
    Ciao to all of you.